Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Win RM7,000 from Celcom - This is scam

Today i receive phone call from somebody claiming from Celcom. He mention that my phone number been selected and win a price of RM7,000. He want to transfer the money to me. I told him I'm using CIMB account but he only want to transfer the money to Maybank. When i told him i don't have Maybank account, he ask any of my friends who can loan their account. I don't want to involve any of my friends into this scam. So he agree to use CIMB bank to transfer the money. He also ask how much money i have in my CIMB account? (if want to give me money, why ask how much money i have in that account?)
Why not just send the cheque? For me this man have an Terengganu accent and doesn't sound convincing. I surf the Internet then and found not only me have receive such call.
Be carefull with your bank personal information and don't release it somebody you doesn't know.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lad leff sweating in the car

Reading Daily Express newspaper on Tuesday (27 October 2009) regarding to a boy left by his father in the car under the hot sun.
It was touching and sad to see this kind of bad behaviour. If I look at the picture, the boy is weak and sweating heavily. Left behind for 2 hours under the sun i terrible, even me having problem awaiting in car under that condition. This is just a boy who is much more younger.
Today (28 October 2009 - http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=68448), I realise that not only me that care about this boy. In the Daily Express newspaper stated that several call actually call in and express their sympathy. I cannot do anything than pray for the little boy that he will be taking care by his father.

I also hope somebody can check the can registration number and subsequently help the family if they manager to locate the house. The father should not let any if his family problem hurt the little boy. We don't want somebody die due to this action then the authorities make some move.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Newborn abondon by parents

I was reading Daily Express newspaper on 13 July and in the front page I see news on newborn baby died and was carry around by a dog. The baby was born nearby and abandon by his or her parents in a drain. Its heart breaking to see this kind of news in the newspaper nowadays. Baby abandon, newborn bodies found floating, dead newborn in plastic and so on. This newborn doesn’t deserve this treatment.
The parents to be should not do this kind of evil act, they should make sure the baby is alive or give him or her to childcare rather than throw them in the dustbin and awaiting the angel of death to come. If the parents are the one who in the newborn baby, what they fell. It’s a gruesome feeling as a mature human being awaiting death in slow and agony. I don’t want to die that way, alone and in pain.
Sure enough the parents don’t want to be caught of is ashamed for their mistake. But are those newborn deserve it. The mother carrying and feed the baby for 9 months and after that just throw the baby away. Are there no sense of love to this newborn or the mother is just too shameful and forget God by killing their newborn.
May all the newborn baby who abandon and died or been killed rest in peace.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brutality by Snatch Thief and Drugs Addicts

Snatch thief once again become the headlines when 2 pregnant woman die due to their acts (Jamilah Selamay, JB and Saripah Mohd Noor, Kelantan). This issue have been lingering for quite sometimes and this is not the death reported due to snatch thief. Plus numerous reports also on injury due to snatch thief try to take the victim belongings. In today (21 May 2009) newspaper headlines, robbery turn ugly where 3 people murdered. The suspect is on drugs.
Why this people commit this act? Are they not respecting other people life? For me, they only thinking of their own needs and don't care much about other even their act take someone life. The worst thing is, the snatch thief in Johor using the money he stole to go for date with his girlfriend. Addiction to drugs also forcing this people to do this crime. They became more bolder and more determine when committing the crime.
I'm suggesting (for snatch thief);
1. Death penalty if the victim is died
2. Whipping
3. Longer term in jail/life term is victim is died

Drugs addicts -
1. Longer terms in jail/life term

With longer term in jail, i hope this people wont be around for quite sometimes and also be a lesson to the other snatch thief or drugs addicts.

Class 97 5C SMK DPM Reunion

First off all, i would like to thank Mr. Alex Chin for arranging the 1st reunion for 5C Class 1997 SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin. I did not expect to have reunion this year as everyone is busy with their job. After 1997, everyone goes to their own path. Some getting married and now happily with husband/wife and children (including me lah..)
Even though the attendance is not encouraging, but its a good start. We don't expect at the 1st reunion everyone can spare some times that they have. So, the reunion was done on 2 May 2009 at Karamunsing KK Box (hopefully i spell the name correctly). we hope in the 2nd reunion the attendance is more encouraging and hopefully to see all 5C ex students to be there.

Looking at the picture, from left..Vivie K, Alex Chin, Alexsius, Me, Khar Chee Hau, Hazizul, Nia Vun Chun, Agus, Maria, Florence, Christy and Onn Seh Teng (..guys i hope the name spell corectly lah..)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Earth Hour - 28-03.2009

Exactly 8.30pm on 28 March 2009, the Earth Hour program started worldwide. Sabah one of the state in Malaysia also participating in this program. I am staying in Kg. Babagon Penampang and also eager to participate in this awareness campaign by WWF Malaysia.
At 8.30pm, 95% of the houses in Kg. Babagon are in total darkness to show support Earth Hour campaign. I also did not expect that my fellow villagers aware about this campaign. It’s encouraging seeing people are aware and participates in this program. On the other hand, it was promoted in the newspaper as well as in the news.
This is merely an awareness campaign and I don’t think switching off light for one hour make a huge difference. But the education taken from this program is that we should using less fossil fuel or anything that can produce carbon dioxide. I saw in the television that if we continue to produce carbon dioxide, in the near future the world will be become hotter and this can cause problem to the weather pattern. That’s why we can see fire in Australia, melting iceberg, typhoon, flood, unusual rain pattern, unusual hot wheatear, long drought and increasing of sea water level.
I also want people to use less plastic bag in their daily life because this can cause damage to the environment. As we know, plastic take years to decompose. I also want to encourage Malaysian people to use paper bag whenever they go shopping of use basket when they go market.
We hope WWF and earth people continue to support such program in the future so that people are aware of the danger of global warming.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

KK City Tourism Treasure Hunt 2009 is back

I'm browsing the Internet today looking for more info on the KK City Tourism Treasure Hunt 2009. I stumble upon Mr. Long blog and subsequently email Ms. Fauziahton from DBKK for the form.
I participate twice in this same event before and found it interesting. Even though you will be mentally and physically challenging but hey..its worth it. My team never won also but we are gathering some experience.
This year the fee is RM250.00 increase RM50 from previous Treasure Hunt and the date line to submit enrollment is on the 16 Feb 2009. I'm looking for forward to call all my team again (me, juicyana, Linus and Santini) for this Treasure Hunt even though I'm at Keningau and they at Kota Kinabalu.
You can download the form here as well...