Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sugar Refinery in Sabah

Reading the Daily Express newspaper today, the government is proposing sugar refinery in Sabah. Thats a good news for us in Sabah or Sarawak i believe as we facing a lot of sugar shortage as well as price difference with peninsular Malaysia.
This was announce by Domestic Trade, Co-operatives, and Consumerism minister Datuk Ismail Sabri. Sabah in the past also have their own sugarcane plantation and sugar refinery manage by Gula Sabah Sdn Bhd. It was a history now.
Lets hope the government is sincerely enough with the projects this time. I believe it bring more good than harm if they build the sugar refinery plus the sugarcane plantation.
If the government want to built a sugar refinery, please look at Pitas area or Kimanis/Bongawan area. This should help those people stay there by providing them job opportunity.
With the sugar refinery build in Sabah, this should lower the sugar price as by now mostly sugar were imported from peninsular especially Perlis.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Company responsibility - Maternity Leave

I found one interesting opinion from The Star online by Marisa Demori of Ipoh on the Maternity Leave (Ridiculously generous benefit will bankrupt many firms – 24 May 2010). Marisa is responding on Rueben Dudley article on Star as well (Stay in step with the ILO on maternity leave – 21 May 2010).

According to Marisa, pregnant woman should resign or take unpaid leave and back to work when the child is big enough. I’m agree with Marisa on the lost of time and production during the absence of female employee due to maternity leave. But I disagree with Marisa on asking them to resign or taking unpaid leave.

My reason is:
1.It’s a woman right to entitle for a leave during confinement (Marisa should know about the after giving birth pantang and breastfeeding the child).
2.Is a woman duty to give birth to our future generation.
3.There is a society issue involve. What happen if the woman is sole breadwinner or single mother. If she resigns, does Marisa think she can easily find a job as Marisa said there is other people out there also needed the job. I think the family will face more problems after that.
4.I never heard of a company in Malaysia or others country that bankrupt because to many female employees on maternity leave (many factories in Malaysia employ woman).

In my opinion, a company should look at their staff welfare and not focus on making big bucks only. Bear in mind that a company success is not achieve by one person only. Not just because a woman taking maternity leave for 2 months, a company disregard her contribution to the company in the past and ask her to take unpaid leave or resign.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"BIN" and "BINTI" In Sabah, Malaysia

Every year in local newspaper we see issue on 'Bin' and "Binti'. This words are meant for Muslim which referring to 'son of' or 'daughter of'. But in Sabah, this words have been using for sometimes and also used by non Muslim. Even my parents have this words on their identification cards.

I have two reason why this issue happen:
1. Back in earlier 1900, many Sabah resident are not educated and when they register their son/daughter birth, they relay on other people to do it. If the registration department put it 'bin' or 'binti', the parents wont know. Back then, the usage of 'bin' and 'binti' is not big issue. Others can use it can nobody care.
2. There is no guidelines on the usage of 'bin' and 'binti' given by authorities. The registration personnel or the hospital just put it in and parents also don't double check.

My suggestion to this problem is:
1. Registration department should came out with memo the front people at registration department or hospital to restricted this 'bin' or 'binti' for Muslims only.
2. When registering their son/daughter birth with Registration department, parents should check also if the words 'bin' or 'binti' it not used if they are non Muslim. The front office personnel also have the responsibility to correct this problem. If we do it right at the first time, then this issue wont arise.