Thursday, October 20, 2011

We Pray for Yueyue Recovery

Watching the news about a 2 years toddler named Yueyue in Fohsan China hit by van and small lorry catch my attention. I'm following her news in the news locally as well as news from Internet.
My logical mind cannot accept the cruel behavior the people who hit her and people who saw her but choose to ignore. Such an ignorance in my view. There is 19 people saw her but choose not to help. What in their mind?
We can blame the parents for not looking after their children but when an incident where people not helping when somebody is hurt inform of their very eye catch my attention.
I don't dare to see the video in youtube as is so disturbing to see. For the driver, those people as no conscience as well. The first drive who hit her also aware that he had hit the Yueyue but choose not to help. Such an idiot and selfish.
We are praying for Yueyue fast recovery and may God bless her. People in this world is changing and slowly loosing their sense of conscience. May God bless as all as well.