Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lad leff sweating in the car

Reading Daily Express newspaper on Tuesday (27 October 2009) regarding to a boy left by his father in the car under the hot sun.
It was touching and sad to see this kind of bad behaviour. If I look at the picture, the boy is weak and sweating heavily. Left behind for 2 hours under the sun i terrible, even me having problem awaiting in car under that condition. This is just a boy who is much more younger.
Today (28 October 2009 -, I realise that not only me that care about this boy. In the Daily Express newspaper stated that several call actually call in and express their sympathy. I cannot do anything than pray for the little boy that he will be taking care by his father.

I also hope somebody can check the can registration number and subsequently help the family if they manager to locate the house. The father should not let any if his family problem hurt the little boy. We don't want somebody die due to this action then the authorities make some move.